Captain America Reborn #2

August 6, 2009 § Leave a comment

As I’ve said before, I personally think that Marvel has decided to bring Captain America back from the “dead” a little early, but that doesn’t mean I wont buy every damn comic that tells of his return!

Even so, I do realize that there are some people out there that don’t like Captain America.  Why might that be you ask???  Well I don’t know, but they have the right to think that way, even if he is the symbol of the fight for that right…whatever. . .

BUT things have changed!  All thanks to Bryan Hitch and his wonderful wrap cover for Captain America Reborn #2 if you are an American there is no possible way you could resist buying this issue on sale now!

Steve Rogers a.k.a. Captain America a.k.a. badass, on the front cover with Adolf Hitler himself in a choke hold!!!  You’d have to be commi not to buy this! I hope they turn this baby into a poster because I’d buy it and hang it proudly in the front room!

Remember…don’t be a communist,

Planet Hulk Cartoon

July 31, 2009 § 1 Comment

One of the best Hulk stories ever is being immortalized in the form of a cartoon!

But Steve aren’t comic books a type of cartoon?  The answer is NO DAMN IT NOOO!!!  Different Medium DUH!  GOSH just watch the damn clip…AND ENJOY IT!


Going to next years Comic Con so I’m not 3 days behind every again,

Kool Komics: The Incredible Hercules #130

June 30, 2009 § Leave a comment

Like many I began reading The Incredible Hercules when magically The Incredible Hulk turned into The Incredible Hercules…everyone still with me?…good!

At first, I was ok with the switch because it still had quite a bit to do with Hulk during World War Hulk.  Even after WWH was over the story line was still really fresh and new.  Herc hadn’t had a leading role in a book for God knows how long (get the pun?) and with his pint sized side kick Amadeus Cho, the seventh smartest person on Earth, the book was border line…good!

But it got boring for me after a bit.  I really like a book with stories that effect not only the characters in the book but also has a play in the ultimate scheme of things in the Marvel U…and these arc’s definitely weren’t giving me that.

So, I did what any comic reader on a budget would do…I dropped it from THE PULL!  After this point things get a little sketchy and even I’m not too clear on the details…but somehow last week The Incredible Hercules made it into my pile…so, naturally I read it!  And much to my surprise…it was GOOD!

You’re probably asking yourself where I’m going with this and the answer is…to tell you that even if you, like me, dropped this book this particular book was VERY entertaining and worth a read!

Herc and Cho are in the land of the dead, where Herc’s uncle Pluto reigns supreme and they are trying to free Zeus, who had been slain by the diabolical demon Mikaboshi, but of course they hit some bumps along the way.  What I liked most about this book was the dialog between Hercules, Zeus and jury of those Zeus had “done wrong”.  There is some seriously good stuff in there…my favorite part being these two pages:


Hilarious RIGHT?!?  These have got to be some of my favorite pages of dialog in a book for a while…just such an awesome declaration of human weakness and the tendency to shrug the responsibility of LIFE onto anyone but themselves!!!  And to top it all off WHAT A PERSPECTIVE to hear it from!

Just good stuff…pick this up…you’ll want to read #131 by the time you’re done.

Hoping I enjoy the other 100 books in my stack this week as much,

Amazing Spider-Man News from Heroes Con ‘09

June 23, 2009 § Leave a comment

Most of the time I could really care less about the reveals and info into the next comic stories that come from the comic conventions.  Don’t get me wrong comic conventions are awesome and all but I’m the kind of guy that can wait for the awesomeness to naturally release from the pages of the comic into my brain and shock and amaze me at that time.

But today even I was impressed to open my e-mail and receive info on this years Heroes Con ‘09 in Philly…which revealed some of the pages and covers from the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man stories…first I’ll show you the covers:

To most the thought from seeing these covers might be, ‘meh’.  But to pro’s like myself these cover spill over into excitement and mystery surrounding the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man stories!!!!  And now for the most awesomest of all the info released the pages of upcoming Spider stories…

AWWWHHHAAHHH…..right?!?!?!  I feel like a school girl at a Beatles concert right now!!!!  Right Spider-Man fans?!?  The return of Ben Riley the Scarlet Spider?!?!  WOOHOO he hasn’t been seen in a comic since the mid-nineties…this is truly awesome spider-writing and I personally can’t wait to read it!!!

Check out all the details @ Heroes Con ’09: Amazing Spider-Man

Excited beyond belief about the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man stories,

Captain America: REBORN . . . Already???

June 23, 2009 § Leave a comment

Look, everyone knew it was going to happen…right?  Come on…the Marvel Universe without Captain America?!?  That’s like cereal with no milk or ham but no burger!  Essentially just CRAZINESS!

But honestly since they went ahead and did kill him I thought it would at least be a substantial amount of time before they brought him back!  You know, leave people hanging a bit.  It’s been two years with no Steve Rogers…maybe some people were starting to think they might not actually bring him back…but try five or six…that’s how you make a fan boy sweat…well that and the idea that one day they might have to leave the basement.

Regardless of what I thought was best Marvel went ahead and once again ignored my advice…maybe I shouldn’t have used the zodiac code to write those letters…anyways the man in Red, White and Blue is coming back on duty!  Here is the cover of Captain America: REBORN #1 by John Cassaday (right) and Alex Ross (left):


And (because you must know more) a bit of jumble from writer Ed Brubaker and editor in chief Tom Brevoort on the new Captain America mini series:

"REBORN is the next chapter in the larger story that I’ve been building in [CAPTAIN AMERICA] since issue #1," explains the writer, who launched this current volume in 2004. "This is a chance to really explore how things have changed in the years since Steve’s death and really delve deep into who Steve Rogers is and why he became Captain America.

"We’ve been planning the story of Cap’s return virtually from the moment that he died," reiterates editor Tom Brevoort. "[As] the story developed and we embraced the concept of Bucky as the new Cap.”

"[Bucky] has spent a year of his life trying to live up to Steve Rogers’ legacy as Captain America, and while he definitely does things his own way, he’s been changed by this experience," notes Brubaker. "He’s been on a path of redemption for all the things he did as the Winter Soldier, and now he’s got a huge task ahead of him: to try to save Steve."

"[But that all] assumes Steve will come back hale and hearty and fit for duty, both physically and emotionally, and that may not be the case. All during these months, while the world thought him dead, Steve’s been on a metaphysical journey of his own, and the experiences he’s lived through during that time are going to have a profound effect on his state of mind."

But before those questions can be answered, Steve Rogers must be found and rescued—if that’s even possible. Fortunately for Bucky, he won’t be alone in his efforts.

Good Stuff eh?  Read more about it Captain America: REBORN

Cap is one of my favorite characters and I hope they do him justice in whatever way they are bringing him back…I mean we’re practically twins…you know first name and all ; )

Wishing my middle name was Rogers,

Mickey Rourke as Iron Man 2 Villain: Whiplash

June 10, 2009 § Leave a comment

So, I can’t wait for the newest Iron Man installment just like the rest of the world…

And so…when I saw this I just knew I had to steal it from and put it here for the world to see (cause my site is visited by waayy more people then

Bam the Rourkester is pumped up as the Iron Man baddie Whiplash!!!

Check out the resemblance:

And here is a preview from the movie:

And if you’ll believe that I also have a shot of my head on Brad Pitts body that I’d like to submit as my profile picture…

Currently reviewing my restraining order for Marvel Studies,

Uncanny X-Men / Dark Avengers

June 10, 2009 § Leave a comment

I always get sucked into these dang comic events!!!  Sometimes I feel like Marvel and DC might as well just stick a vacuum into my wallet and turn that baby on full blast!

For instance World War Hulk…I bought every damn off shoot that was created for that event cause I’m a sucker.  There was like ten different titles!  And guess what off the top of my head I can only think of three that were worth a crap (The Main book, Punisher and X-Men).

Anyways once again Marvel is trying rob me by starting another event full of characters I love to read about…the X-Men and my favorite villain Norman Osborn aka The Green Goblin…

So, do you think I’ve learned my lesson about the events and how they are sucking the life out of me. . . NO!  (although I did tone it down for Secret Invasion which was good cause it sucked)

But NO…guess what….I’m going to buy every damn book on this list cause I HAVE to…what kind of loyal comic reader would I be if I didn’t???. . .right?. . . RIGHT?!?

Siphoning cash for the bank so the wife doesn’t realize how much I really spend on comics,

Kool Komics: X-Force #14

April 30, 2009 § Leave a comment

I am totally digging the Messiah War stuff going on within Cable and X-Force.  The story is just so good and the art in the One Shots as well as the main books is just phenomenal!!!  And so this is where we find my favorite page from last weeks books…

Not only is it an awesome drawing but the content just erupts the little kid in me thats screaming "YEAH KILL THAT BAD MAN!" haha Stryfe and Bishop dish it out to mutant resident ‘Bad Man’ Apocalypse in X-Force #14 and claim to have killed him…(did you catch that…claim…that means they didn’t in comic book world)

Going to kill some Bad Men on Spiderman Web of Shadows when I get home,

Wolverine Art Appreciation

April 7, 2009 § Leave a comment

So, I stummbled upon this while scanning my feeds and thought it was so great I had to post it…Wolverine Art Appreciation!  Here’s what the people of Marvel said about the event:
Marvel is proud to announce that in honor of Wolverine‘s 35th anniversary, numerous Marvel titles will feature Wolverine Art Appreciation Variant Covers in April, as part of Wolverine Art Appreciation Month. In the tradition of Marvel’s previous variant cover programs, featuring everything from villains to zombies to monkeys, select Marvel titles will feature variant covers spotlighting the most popular X-Man through a unique lens! Inspired by some of the world’s greatest artists, these variant covers depict Wolverine like you’ve never seen him before, in styles reminiscent of Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol and more!

I really enjoyed all of these drawings!  Taking the classic art forms of individual artists and applying them to mutiple pieces done of just one character is just a fabulous idea and who better to be in the spotlight then Wolverine!!!  Just great stuff enjoy…

Wishing that I could draw like this,
See More about this at Wolverine Appreciation

Dark Avengers #3

March 23, 2009 § Leave a comment

I was a little unsure about where this comic was going.  The first issue was pretty mediocre in my opinion but then again it was really just setting up each of the characters to prepare their placement in the new Avengers team.  The REAL reason I even picked this book up is that it stars my all time favorite villain…The Green Goblin aka Norman Osborn!!!  Talk about diabolically evil…and right now he his just such a conniving genius and I love everything he does! 
So, due to the fact that Dark Avengers #3 was all about Norman it has really kicked this series into gear for me.  The part when Osborn is telling the Sentry about how his little problem with the Void was just like Norman and the Green Goblin…that was pure magic!!!

And once again Mike Deodato works wonders on the pencils!  First of all I really dig the way he draws Norman Osborn like Tommy Lee Jones…it’s just perfect.  Then he goes and pulls off two page spreads like this:

At this point he can do no wrong, this stuff is just fantabulous.  Long story short I’m excited for the next Avengers comic for the first time in a long time and with the cliffhanger of Dr. Doom allowing Osborn into his info server to access his time cube technology and team up to take down Morgana LeFay before she causes all this trouble (which means the Sentry will be coming back to life) is just awesome…

Visualizing myself on a glider spreading joy (chaos) to the world,


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